Saturday was heaven for me because I went to Bunga Riben, JalanTAR to get some trims for me. I was working on my daugther skirt when I was thinking to put a pom pom trim for her skirt. Luckily they have the trim there at RM3.50 per meter. I felt like jumping and almost bought all colors they have but I reminded myself to behave coz I can buy more anytime I want.
The black ribbon trim look a bit 'rich' and I love the details. I bought them not knowing what to do with them. I tought to find some black fabric but I cant find any that caught my attention. Maybe will do a top for Nasya for her hari raya..maybe..
Im a happy girl!
I wish I have the talent, so I can make something for myself and wont bother my parents to get new stuffs for me...
omg mai, banyak betul you beli, hahaha
i love those zigzag trimming, one of my favorite
Atiqah : maybe u have the talent that you dont realise at the moment ni..
unaisah : haha supaya takder la mcm frust2 time nak buat nak itu ini tapi takder...alasan kann? :p
gi bunga riben mmg boleh jd gila. suma benda nak, pas2 sure rs cam nak bukak bisnes kawin2.
lawala..bilela boleh g sana.ajak suami g jln TAR mmg taknaknye..huhu:(
zam : haa memangg..ohh tapi i dah boring wedding biz haha
idayu : ohh i dia drop jek pusing 3-4 kali round i kene dah ada depan pintu hehe
wah.. dah bli yea.. but the one i bought slightly different rasanya.. the 'popcorn' actually attached to the string... err tak juntai2 cam tu.. huhuh do i even make sense? ehhehe...
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