Pipit Store located along a terrace house at SS2, PJ. It was actually a terrace house, converted to a creative store. The downstairs is the famous lomo camera shop, The Click Shop and Pipit store is upstairs. It is a small room, with lots of beautifully crafted items. There are purses, pillows, tshirts, paintings and many more there. You just have to go to see it yourself.
Outside the room is the Polka Dots Exhibition. They showcase the products that have a polka dots in it..I captured my favourites as below.
And after we came out from the store, she said, she was happy because it was fun.I love what they have in there and planning to get the purse I saw.
Best thing about handmade/craft items is, you hardly see one person wearing/having the same item as yours coz usually, they are created uniquely just for you.
Happy Monday!
eh comelnya purse n coins purse tu :O suke!!!
YUP actually handmade ni lebih sentimental value le for me...lagi dekat dgn jiwa cewah!!! hahahahah
that's an awesome shop!
btw LOVE nasya's skirt
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