Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The hair scrunchies

When I was small, I read a story of a wife who followed her husband to overseas for study and she spent her leisure time making hair scrunchies. End up, she made money at the same time enjoying her new hobby.

So these are my handmade scrunchies which I haven't make any decision to sell or to give it in coming giveaway...

It has 2 themes. And I have 4 sets. The themes are flower-power(2 sets) and dot-a-dots(2 sets). Each sets contains 3 scrunchies.
C'mon lets tie their hair...opssss and these hair scrunchies are for your little woman ok? :D


Anonymous said...

comelnye!!!!! sell! sell!

Farah said...

u jual ke scrunchies ni?

Mai Okinokiyo said...

zamnzara : sell kahh?:p
Farah : tak tau nak jual ke nak buat giveaway

Cikgi Diva :-) said...

comellnyer...i suka u nyer artwork...